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Super Saturday!

It's a kid's church, it's another outreach ministry... It's SUPER SATURDAY and it is starting January 9, 2010 at 1:00 pm at Saving Station Christian Church.  We are believing God to take this ministry beyond the games, music and madness to reach kids with the message of Jesus Christ, the ultimate superhero.  

We have about 30 to 40 kids built in through our after school programs, however we are believing God for 100 kids on a regular basis.  They are out there and we are going out to get them.  Why?  I am glad you ask.

Our kids today face many challenges, not so unlike kids of any generation, however times are becoming more desperate.  Kids are getting their street education early, and this education is dangerous.  It often involves exposure to violence, sex, drug and alcohol abuse and a host of other negative influence.  We have the answer, we have the hope of a better life, but more importantly we have a mandate to share that with these kids.

Pray for God's guidance, His wisdom, for creativity... pray for souls to be won.  Kids have been sold for sex, by their parents and guardians, no older than ten years old.  Kids are running drugs for gang members and joining gangs in early years.  These are not stories from far distant lands, these our kids we see every day that live around the corner, down the block.  They hurt, some of them cry themselves to sleep at night because they are starving.  Starving because mom and dad smoked the grocery money, starving because they haven't a father figure to show love, starving because no one has showed them the love of Christ.

Our mission is great, but so is the God we serve!

CHRISTmas Time is Here.

This is a scene most are familiar with, at least a type of scene anyway, the Nativity.  There are various ways this scene has been portrayed and the differences are vast.  From just Joseph, Mary and Jesus to an entire cast of animals and characters, different cultures and races, and even some implementation of characters not recorded in scripture.

One that particularly outraged me was one I saw in Oklahoma a couple of years ago.  Santa was the center piece and replaced Jesus as the usual cast of characters gathered around.  After my initial rage, I thought this shouldn't be so surprising as this is what has taken place in America.  Christ has been removed, and it goes way beyond whether you say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.  This is a heart issue, plain and simple.

The heart is representative of the center of a thing.  Christ being central to Christmas means He possesses the heart of an individual.  Christ won't be in our schools, if he isn't the heart of our students and teachers.  He will not be the center of our homes, unless He resides in the hearts of the home dwellers.  Sadly, He will not show up in our churches, unless He is alive in the hearts of those who claim to be His.

This is a time we should be celebrating a life, a life of One who came to earth so that we may have eternal life and escape damnation.  The life we now can live because He paid the price for us, is the very life we should be honoring.  He is the foundation and the center of what we should be focused on during this season.

Youth In Ministry Banquet

Creative Life and Saving Station Christian Church honored young people involved in ministry on Tuesday, November 24, 2009.  CL/SSCC has various programs including drama, music and dance as well as Warrior classes training young people and equipping them for ministry.

Below are the first place winners for each level and including the grand prize of "Warrior of the Year".  This year's recipient was Henry Tuggle who went above and beyond the call of duty.

 "Warrior of the Year" Henry Tuggle presented by Dr. Carolyn Bibbs

"Zoe Warrior 1st Place" Henry Tuggle presented by Michael Pounds

"Life Warrior 1st Place" LaShae Wright presented by Marilyn Williams

"Jr. Warrior 1st Place" Lakeisha Lee presented by Willean Lee

"Pee Wee Warrior 1st Place"  Yarterius Griffin presented by Miss Joyce Duncan

The Move to Memphis!

"So what brings you to Memphis?" asks an agent at the cell phone store.  After a short pause I respond, "A new job."  However, it is so much more than that as I realize I just missed an opportunity to share Jesus with someone.  How many opportunities like that have we all missed?

In my time of seeking the Lord for what He would have me to do, I never thought Memphis.  Perhaps because I did not have any real close relationships with anyone here, or whatever the reason it simply wasn't a logical option.  Although by this point in my life, I should have realized my God is not always logical.

Dr. Bibbs, President and CEO of Creative Life, Inc., called me in early July regarding ministry in Memphis.  At first, I was a little hesitant.  However, as the summer progressed Memphis came to mind often and began to be a thought that consumed me.  After the camp season was over, I took it to the Lord in prayer and asked guidance in this decision.

I started taking steps of faith, one by one, to see what direction the Lord would lead.  It should come as no surprise that as I allowed Him to open the doors, He guided each step as I walked through one of the smoothest transitions in my life.  The people on both ends couldn't have been more helpful and accomodating in the assistance they gave.

Wherever God leads you, allow Him to guide.  Walk through the doors He opens.  You might surprised at where He takes you, but I promise you will never regret it.

project 418

Luke 4:18 states, "The Lord's Spirit has come to me, because he has chosen me to tell the good news to the poor.  The Lord has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers".  That same anointing now rest on us as ambassadors of Jesus.  This is the principle, passion and proclamation of project 418.

We have been commissioned by God in His word to go and tell the good news, to go and make disciples of all men.  My desire is to see people made free by Jesus and the only way that will happen according to scripture is by knowing the truth.  The message has been watered down and sweetened up for too long and because of it we have handicapped Christ followers and turned off sinners to the message of the cross.

Sin still separates, but Jesus still saves; His grace is still greater!  Join me by praying for project 418 and together we will see lives transformed by the Holy Spirit of God.