"So what brings you to Memphis?" asks an agent at the cell phone store. After a short pause I respond, "A new job." However, it is so much more than that as I realize I just missed an opportunity to share Jesus with someone. How many opportunities like that have we all missed?
In my time of seeking the Lord for what He would have me to do, I never thought Memphis. Perhaps because I did not have any real close relationships with anyone here, or whatever the reason it simply wasn't a logical option. Although by this point in my life, I should have realized my God is not always logical.
Dr. Bibbs, President and CEO of Creative Life, Inc., called me in early July regarding ministry in Memphis. At first, I was a little hesitant. However, as the summer progressed Memphis came to mind often and began to be a thought that consumed me. After the camp season was over, I took it to the Lord in prayer and asked guidance in this decision.
I started taking steps of faith, one by one, to see what direction the Lord would lead. It should come as no surprise that as I allowed Him to open the doors, He guided each step as I walked through one of the smoothest transitions in my life. The people on both ends couldn't have been more helpful and accomodating in the assistance they gave.
Wherever God leads you, allow Him to guide. Walk through the doors He opens. You might surprised at where He takes you, but I promise you will never regret it.